My Mountain Expeditions.


Traversing the High Sierras 2019

Ski mountaineering these mountains with two of my favourite people in the world makes this adventure one to remember.


Pamir Mountains 2018

Climbing in Tajikistan had it’s challenges. Peak Korzhenevskaya stands above 7000m and it certainly threw a lot at myself and climbing partner, Tim.

Denali 2017

Denali, known as the world’s coldest mountain, lived up to it’s name. During our ascent we got stranded whilst we waited out a storm that brought with it -40 degrees celcius and 90 mph winds. After two weeks of being stuck in a tent, we were able to continue our expedition up.

Iceland 2016

Climbing snow covered peaks in the icy wilderness.


Cordon Del Plata 2016

Climbing the remote 6000m peaks within the Cordon range in Argentina.

Bolivian Andes 2013

My high altitude climbing started with a mixture of 6000m peaks in the Andes.
