My Jungle Expeditions.


Peruvian Amazon Rainforest 2023

In Spring 2023 I worked with environmental initiatives in the rainforest on a world first project. The final result was a join collaboration with ABB and JungleKeepers where we introduced a solar powered robot to plant seeds in areas of deforestation. More on this here.

Amazon Uncharted


In Autumn 2021, myself and a team of highly skilled Amerindians went deep into the jungles of Guyana, within the Amazon biome, to cross the Kanuku Mountains from East to West: This mammoth and ambitious journey had never been attempted. This virgin forest and protected area put us through our paces and has gained global attention. The aim of this adventure was not just to become the β€˜first’ but to raise awareness of what can be achieved when land is protected and to inspire more to get outside and push their boundaries.


Kanuku Crossing South to North


Crossing these mountains from Sand Creek Village to Nappi Village was where my admiration for the jungle was reborn. We battled through incredibly dense jungle and found ourselves surrounded by Jaguars and Bushmaster snakes but overall the real lesson and adventure came from the friendships that I made with my brilliant team of five Amerindians and the experience is one that has shaped me forever.


The Amazon Jungle 2014

One month in the jungle where I was invited to join two indigenous brothers on a hunting trip through the forest.